- F.15/J.25 She slept beneath a tree — Cochineal Farming
- F.31/J.22 To him who keeps an Orchis' heart — Swamp-Pink
- F.32/J.12 The morns are meeker than they were — Autumn Bell
- F.45/J.36 Snow flakes — Summer Snowflakes
- F.82/J.81 We should not mind so small a flower — Bellflower
- F.98/J.86 South Winds jostle them — Bumblebee Orchid
- F.127/J.133 As Children bid the Guest Good Night — Morning Glory
- F.147/J.100 A science so the Savants say — Butterfly-Weed
- F.184/J.921 If it had no pencil — Pencil-Flower and Letter-Leaf
- F.207/J.214 I taste a liquor never brewed — Dewtry and Dew-Snail
- F.214/J.192 Poor little Heart — Floating-Heart
- F.261/J.245 I held a Jewel in my fingers — Jewelweed
- F.295/J.217 Savior! I've no one else to tell — Heart-Seed
- F.347/J.348 I dreaded that first Robin, so — Queen of the Meadow
- F.366/J.497 He strained my faith — John Barleycorn
- F.380/J.334 All the letters I can write — Letter-Leaf
- F.438/J.578 The Body grows without — Lunary
- F.444/J.612 It would have starved a Gnat — Air-Plant
- F.457/J.314 Nature sometimes sears a Sapling — Herbs
- F.465/J.656 The name of it-is "Autumn" — Autumn Crocus
- F.520/J.442 God made a little Gentian — Frost-grape
- F.530/J.567 He gave away his Life — Heart-Seed
- F.545/J.409 They dropped like Flakes — Juneberry
- F.553/J.397 When Diamonds are a Legend — Touch-Me-Not
- F.559/J.392 Through the Dark Sod as Education — Lily-of-the-valley
- F.654/J.516 Beauty be not caused-It Is — Meadow-Beauty
- F.677/J.345 Funny to be a Century — Agave
- F.744/J.671 She dwelleth in the Ground — Iris
- F.768/J.757 The Mountains grow unnoticed — Mountain Flowers
- F.780/J.743 The Birds reported from the South — Herb Grace
- F.786/J.748 Autumn overlooked my Knitting — Comfrey
- F.798/J.811 The Veins of other Flowers — Cardinal-Flower
- F.810/J.810 The Robin for the Crumb — Lady's Bedstraw
- F.842/J.926 Patience has a quiet Outer — Patience Dock
- F.852/J.876 It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone — Rose Trench
- F.897/J.991 She sped as Petals of a Rose — Orchid
- F.908/J.868 They ask but our Delight — Potato
- F.916/J.893 Drab Habitation of Whom — Mushroom
- F.919/J.845 Be Mine the Doom — Doom Palm
- F.920/J.877 Each Scar I'll keep for Him — Rubber Tree
- F.987/J.1038 Her little Parasol to lift — Parasol Mushroom
- F.1044/J.1082 Revolution is the Pod — Rattle-Pod
- F.1087/J.1064 To help our Bleaker Parts — Sprout
- F.1122/J.1051 I cannot meet the Spring unmoved — Bramble
- F.1146/J.1127 Soft as the massacre of Suns — Sundrop
- F.1248/J.1190 The Sun and Fog contested — Sun-Fern
- F.1293/J.1141 The Face we choose to miss — Agave
- F.1308/J.1312 To break so vast a Heart — Heart-Wood
- F.1364/J.1347 Escape is such a thankful Word — Heart-Seed
- F.1436/J.1401 To own a Susan of my own — Black-Eyed Susan
- F.1443/J.1423 The fairest Home I ever knew — Spider-Flower
- F.1482/J.1377 Forbidden Fruit a flavor has — No-eye Pea
- F.1485/J.1432 Spurn the temerity — Calvary Clover
- F.1543/J.1520 The stem of a departed Flower — Pink Thorn
- F.1610/J.1582 Where Roses would not dare to go — Heart-Clover
- F.1621/J.1577 Morning is due to all — Aurora Flowers
- F.1745/J.1704 Unto a broken heart — Heart-Cherry
- F.1750/J.1715 Consulting summer's clock — Dandelion
- F.1780/J.1740 Sweet is the swamp with its secrets — Snake-Mouth