Be Mine the Doom — Doom Palm

Be Mine the Doom-1
Sufficient Fame-
To perish in Her Hand!
[1] Doom:: doom palm, also called doum palm or gingerbread palm.
[2] Fame:: it's well known for making bread.
[3] Her Hand:: the plant's palm; Hand hints at palm. perish:: to lavish doom palm in making gingerbread.
[1-3] Be Mine:: the gingerbread palm is now under her hand to be cooked; its fame is gained by perishing its palm (hand).

The Doom Palm of Egypt, has an edible fruit called the gingerbread nut, largely consumed by the Egyptians.——Proceedings of the Liverpool Literary (1854)

The doom palm . . . It is called in Egypt "The gingerbread tree," because of the great resemblance its brown mealy rind bears to gingerbread.——The Ladies' Companion, and Monthly Magazine (1863)