The stem of a departed Flower 1
Has still a silent rank.
The Bearer from an Emerald Court
Of a Despatch of Pink.
Has still a silent rank.
The Bearer from an Emerald Court
Of a Despatch of Pink.
[1] Stem, departed Flower:: a bare stem after blossom.
[2] rank:: a serious of things, the haws of the pink thorn.
[3] Bearer:: a fruit-yielding tree. Emerald Court:: a garden house.
[4] Pink:: pink thorn, a hawthorn.
But those of the true pink thorn possess their rose at colour throughout the whole time of their duration; . . . The haws that followed the fine blow I have alluded to, were so numerous, bright, and large, ─ Natural History of the Hawthorn, The Gentleman's Magazine (1801)
The variety is a sport from the double Pink Thorn, and originated in the beautiful and well kept garden of Christopher Boyd, Esq., of Cheshunt St., near Waltham Cross, where it still exists. The Gardeners' Monthly and Horticulturist (1867)