Patience has a quiet Outer — Patience Dock

Patience-has a quiet Outer-1
Patience-Look within-
Is an Insect's futile forces

'Scaping one-against the other 5
Fruitlesser to fling-
Patience-is the Smile's exertion
Through the quivering-
[1] Patience:: a species of dock used in salad, also called garden patience or patience dock.
[2] quiet Outer, within:: its outside looks fine, but inside with worms.
[3] futile forces:: a swarm of insects feed on patience dock, futile to struggle.
[6] Fruitlesser to fling:: to fling leaves is useless in removing insects.
[7] Patience, exertion:: working with effort and smile.
[8] quivering:: due to the insect.

Garden patience, or herb patience . . . It is a native of Italy, and was introduced to England in 1573. ─ The Book of the Garden (1855)

Herb Patience. Patience Dock. Garden Patience. . . . No peculiarity of soil or culture is requisite for the production of this vegetable. . . . The plant is perfectly hardy, and, if cut over regularly, will continue healthy and productive for several years. ─ The Field and Garden Vegetables of America (1865)