To own a Susan of my own 1
Is of itself a Bliss-
Whatever Realm I forfeit, Lord,
Continue me in this!
Is of itself a Bliss-
Whatever Realm I forfeit, Lord,
Continue me in this!
[1] Susan:: black-eyed Susan; Susan Dickinson with black eyes by a slap or blow, hinted by "in this" and "forfeit" though not so obvious. my own:: the Susan isn't the person Susan.
[2] Bliss:: delight, enjoyment; a wish of Emily.
[3] Realm I forfeit:: a punishment for having such an evil wish.
[3, 4] Lord, Continue me:: Emily's wish, the black eye lasting forever.
Hibiscus, to which belongs a great favourite of mine, the African Hibiscus, called Black-eyed Susan, a primrose-coloured flower, with a very deep dark eye. ─ Magazine for the Young (1851)
The hilum is marked with a small block speck; as in the worthless egg pea, sometimes called Black-eyed Susan. ─ Proceedings of the Horticultural Society of London (1861)