It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone 1
Enclosed 'twas not of Rail
A Consciousness its Acre, and
It held a Human Soul.
Entombed by whom, for what offence 5
If Home or Foreign born-
Had I the curiosity
'Twere not appeased of men
Till Resurrection, I must guess 9
Denied the small desire
A Rose upon its Ridge to sow
Or take away a Briar.
Enclosed 'twas not of Rail
A Consciousness its Acre, and
It held a Human Soul.
Entombed by whom, for what offence 5
If Home or Foreign born-
Had I the curiosity
'Twere not appeased of men
Till Resurrection, I must guess 9
Denied the small desire
A Rose upon its Ridge to sow
Or take away a Briar.
[1] grave:: an excavation, a pit or trench. no Stone:: it's not a grave yard.
[4] Human Soul:: one's dream to plant roses here, hinted in line eleven.
[5] Entombed:: to sow the seeds. what offence:: what against the roses to grow.
[6] Home or Foreign born:: roses of local or foreign breed.
[9] Resurrection:: revival of plants sowed here.
[11] Rose, Ridge:: a rose trench.