Funny-to be a Century-1
And see the People-going by-
I-should die of the Oddity-
But then-I'm not so staid-as He-

He keeps His Secrets safely-very-5
Were He to tell-extremely sorry
This Bashful Globe of Ours would be-
So dainty of Publicity-
[1] Century:: century-plant (agave or American Aloe), named for its rare flowering.
[3] die of:: to desire exceedingly for its blooming.
[4] staid:: grave, sedate, a description of its rosette leaves.
[5] His Secrets safely:: its bulb protected by rosette leaves.
[6] sorry:: sword-like shape of its leaves.
[7] Bashful Globe:: the bulb of agave bashfully hidden under the earth.
[8] dainty:: it's edible and used to distill tequila.