Soft as the massacre of Suns
By Evening's Sabres slain
By Evening's Sabres slain
[1] Suns:: sunbeams. massacre of Suns:: sunbeams vanished in the evening.
[2] Evening:: evening primrose, also called sundrop, will blossom in the evening like swords. Sabres:: swords, blossoms of the sundrop.
[1, 2] Suns, Evening:: Suns can mean the canons. Evening has the definition of the closing or declining period of a person's life (OED 2b).
Evening Primrose. Is so called, because its large yellow blossoms are only open on cloudy days, in the evening and at night. . . . Sundrops, or Perennial Evening Primrose. Common in open places, one to three feet high, with yellow flowers. Blossoms June to August. ─ The Farmer's Promotion Book (1856)
SUNDROP. Blossoms in a kind of spike; yellow. They open about eleven o'clock, and, commonly, not more than one on the same day. . . . PRIMROSE. Leaves oblong; serrated. Blossoms in a large spike; terminating; yellow. ─ Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany (1787)