All men for Honor hardest work 1
But are not known to earn-
Paid after they have ceased to work
In Infamy or Urn-
But are not known to earn-
Paid after they have ceased to work
In Infamy or Urn-
[1] Honor: a person of high position, a master. men, hardest work: a hint on slaves. Priests word hard for honor God.
[2] not, to earn: slaves or priests earned little or none.
[3] ceased to work: slaves work, priests honor God, till they died.
[4] Infamy: the loss of all or certain of the rights of a citizen, consequent on conviction of certain crimes (OED 3). Urn: for ashes, a hint on death.
Urn and earn hints at something earning in urn. This gives a second reading: All men worked for fame to the extreme, but didn't let the world know their earning. After they ceased to work for honor and unknown earning, they got pay in infamy, or in urn of money that others could not see.