Her spirit rose to such a height
Her countenance it did inflate
Like one that fed on awe.
More prudent to assault the dawn
Than merit the ethereal scorn
That effervesced from her.
Her countenance it did inflate
Like one that fed on awe.
More prudent to assault the dawn
Than merit the ethereal scorn
That effervesced from her.
[1] Her spirit rose:: the death of Ophelia.
[2] countenance, did inflate:: Ophelia's face swelled due to drowning.
[3] fed one awe:: Ophelia's obedience to her father Polonius.
[4] prudent to assault:: Ophelia was arranged to pry into Hamlet's madness. the dawn:: the beginning of Hamlet's awareness and revenge.
[5] ethereal scorn:: Ophelia's love being rejected and scorned by Hamlet that she had no idea why.
[6] That effervesced from her:: the bubbles from her drowning.