It's like the Light — Church Bell

This poem has the form of a riddle. It tells Dickinson's thought when she heard the church bell.

It's like the Light-1
A fashionless Delight-
It's like the Bee-
A dateless-Melody-

It's like the Woods-5
Private-Like the Breeze-
Phraseless-yet it stirs
The proudest Trees-

It's like the Morning-9
Best-when it's done-
And the Everlasting Clocks-
[1] It: a church bell; light: a lamp with the shape of a bell.
[2] fashionless Delight: a tradition to go to church.
[3,4] Bee, Melody: the bell working diligently like a bee.
[5] Woods: the wooden wind-instruments in an orchestra collectively (OED 7e).
[6] Private, Breeze: the church bell's sound like soft words to the Christians privately.
[7] Phraseless: without content but it stirs.
[8] Trees: cross of life.
[9] Morning: morning work.
[10] Best when it's done: the worst when it's on going.
[11] Clocks: the sound that measure, remind Christians.
[12] Chime Noon: church as the highest power.