Unto the Whole-how add? 1
Has "All" a further realm-
Or Utmost an Ulterior?
Oh, Subsidy of Balm!
Has "All" a further realm-
Or Utmost an Ulterior?
Oh, Subsidy of Balm!
[1–3] Whole, All, Utmost:: death ends the whole, all, and utmost of a person.
[1] Whole, add?:: how to add something to the end of a whole life?
[2] "All":: the universe; has the universe a further realm for the dead?
[3] Utmost:: up to the limit; has an ulterior over the limit of one's life?
[4] Balm:: the ointment for anointing the dead; a hint on death by the phrase Balm of Gilead, "Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured." (Jeremiah 46:11)