Those final Creatures — Homestead Act

Those final Creatures,-who they are-1
That, faithful to the close,
Administer her ecstasy,
But just the Summer knows.
[1] final:: final proof; under the Homestead Act (1862), settlers must live in an undeveloped land for five years and get a proof of improvement on the land, and then they could own it for free or very little charge. This proof is called final proof. Creatures:: settlers.
[2] the close:: the enclosed land.
[3] Administer:: to manage the land; a hint on a government act. her ecstasy:: elevation and happiness of the the land.
[4] Summer:: one who calculates, the person to provide the proof for settlers their land's value.

Homesteads.-The disposal of our public lands has been accelerated by the inauguration of the homestead policy. . . . During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869, rapid progress was made in the disposal of the public domain under the homestead provisions. . . . The number of claims upon which final proof was offered during the fiscal year just closed is 4,026. ─ Annual Report of the Department of the Interior (1869)