The most pathetic thing I do 1
Is play I hear from you-
I make believe until my Heart
Almost believes it too
But when I break it with the news 5
You knew it was not true
I wish I had not broken it-
Goliah-so would you-
Is play I hear from you-
I make believe until my Heart
Almost believes it too
But when I break it with the news 5
You knew it was not true
I wish I had not broken it-
Goliah-so would you-
[1] you:: a Goliath beetle, hinted in line eight.
[2] play, you:: Dickinson played a game that she can understand the beetle.
[4] believes it:: to believe that she can communicate with the beetle.
[5] news:: she told the beetle that Goliath was killed by a "stone sunk into his forehead." break it:: break the relationship of human and beetle.
[6] not true:: the story of Goliath the giant is not true.
[7] broken it:: told the myth.
[8] Goliah:: a large beetle called Goliath (OED 2a). so would you:: the beetle would not wish it has the same fate as the giant.