The Mind lives on the Heart 1
Like any Parasite-
If that is full of Meat
The Mind is fat.
But if the Heart omit 5
Emaciate the Wit-
The Aliment of it
So absolute.
Like any Parasite-
If that is full of Meat
The Mind is fat.
But if the Heart omit 5
Emaciate the Wit-
The Aliment of it
So absolute.
[1] Mind:: requiem (a mass for the repose of a departed soul); the annual commemoration of a saint (OED mind 5b).
[2] Parasite:: a hint on the Mind as the commemoration of a saint.
[3] Meat:: content.
[4] Mind:: the soul; the remembrance.
[5] omit:: to neglect the spirit of the ceremony.
[8] absolute:: pure and independent without changes.