The Heart is the Capital of the Mind-1
The Mind is a single State-
The Heart and the Mind together make
A single Continent-
One-is the Population-5
Numerous enough-
This ecstatic Nation
Seek-it is Yourself.
The Mind is a single State-
The Heart and the Mind together make
A single Continent-
One-is the Population-5
Numerous enough-
This ecstatic Nation
Seek-it is Yourself.
[1] Mind:: the commemoration of a departed soul (OED 5b); a requiem. Heart, Capital, Mind:: the heart is the chief thing of the requiem.
[2] Mind, single:: ration, an isolated state.
[3] Heart and, Mind:: the emotion and remembrance.
[4] single:: pure, sincere. Continent:: that which contains or holds (OED n. 1a).
[5, 6] One, Numerous enough:: one is enough for a requiem.
[7] ecstatic Nation:: a realm of trance.
[8] Seek, Yourself:: to explore the trance feeling of a departed soul.