Sweet Skepticism of the Heart — Pregnancy Syndrome

Sweet Skepticism of the Heart-1
That knows-and does not know-
And tosses like a Fleet of Balm-
Affronted by the snow-
Invites and then retards the Truth 5
Lest Certainty be sere
Compared with the delicious throe
Of transport thrilled with Fear-
[1] Sweet Skepticism:: the uncertainty of pregnancy, and lover. Heart:: one's most valuable thing; a lover.
[2] knows:: she knows she got pregnant. does not know:: she has no experience yet.
[3] tosses, Balm:: syndrome of pregnancy.
[4] snow:: apathetic, frigid.
[5] retards the Truth:: withholds the news.
[6] sere:: to abort the child.
[7] throe:: acute pain in facing death; pain of childbirth, a hint on pregnancy.
[8] transport:: rapture, ecstasy.