Now I lay thee down to Sleep-1
I pray the Lord thy Dust to keep-
And if thou live before thou wake-
I pray the Lord thy Soul to make-
I pray the Lord thy Dust to keep-
And if thou live before thou wake-
I pray the Lord thy Soul to make-
[1] I:: Joanna of Castile (1479–1555). thee:: Philip I of Castile (1478–1506) who married Joanna in 1496. Philip (and his son) claimed that Joanna was insane and confined her for over forty years.
[2] thy Dust to keep:: rumored that Joanna loved Philip so much that she refused to bury Philip and opened his coffer to see the body.
[3] live before thou wake:: Joanna believed her husband would come back.
[4] Soul to make:: to make Philip a new soul that loved her. Philip's old soul did not love her.