Left in immortal Youth — Brontes Sisters

Left in immortal Youth 1
On that low Plain
That hath nor Retrospection
Nor Again-
Ransomed from years-5
Sequestered from Decay
Canceled like Dawn
In comprehensive Day-
[1] Left, immortal Youth:: the Brontes sisters, Charlotte (1816–1855), Emily (1818–1848), Anne (1820–1849), died young with immortal works.
[2] low Plain:: Haworth, West Yorkshire. Probably a comment by Dickinson on their novels.
[3] nor Retrospection:: Elizabeth Gaskell's The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857), was not enough for the three sisters.
[4] Nor Again:: no more works of them.
[5] Ransomed:: suffered from the illness.
[6] Decay:: phthisis, consumption (OED 4b), the cause of death of Emily and Anne.
[7] Dawn:: the beginning, of their writing career.
[8] comprehensive Day:: the day being recognized by the world.