How fits his Umber Coat — Auburn System

How fits his Umber Coat 1
The Tailor of the Nut?
Combined without a seam
Like Raiment of a Dream-

Who spun the Auburn Cloth? 5
Computed how the girth?
The Chestnut aged grows
In those primeval Clothes-

We know that we are wise-9
Accomplished in Surprise-
Yet by this Countryman-
This nature-how undone!
[1] his:: a prisoner's, the bad countryman in line 11.
[2] Nut:: a person hard to deal with, a prison guard.
[3] without a seam:: a simple prisoner's clothes.
[4] Dream:: something not happened in normal life.
[5] Auburn:: the Auburn system, New York system, or silent system, a prison discipline first introduced at Auburn, New York.
[7] Chestnut:: chestnut color.
[8] primeval Clothes:: prison clothes.
[12] undone:: ruined.

This plan was, in this country, first put in practice in the State-prison at Auburn, New York; and hence has been frequently called die Auburn system. In the Auburn system, the prisoners are all provided with separate cells, in which they sleep and take their meals. They are not allowed to speak, or to communicate by signs, with each other, although they work together during the day, under the care of their keepers. ─ The North American Review (1839)