How firm Eternity must look 1
To crumbling men like me
The only Adamant Estate
In all Identity-
How mighty to the insecure 5
Thy Physiognomy
To whom not any Face cohere-
Unless concealed in thee
To crumbling men like me
The only Adamant Estate
In all Identity-
How mighty to the insecure 5
Thy Physiognomy
To whom not any Face cohere-
Unless concealed in thee
[1] firm Eternity must look:: a firm look with a mask.
[2] crumbling:: ruining, getting old.
[3] Adamant Estate:: the unmovable iron mask.
[4] In all Identity:: the mask was his only identity.
[5] insecure:: he must die if he took off the mask.
[6] Thy:: the man with the iron mask. Physiognomy:: a hint on his special outlook.
[7] not any Face cohere:: no one saw his face.
All these chimeras are now dissipated by this important relation; and the uncommon precautions which were used to conceal the face of the man in the iron mask, is a further proof that he was the identical prince mentioned in the memoirs; for he was never permitted to walk in the court of the Bastille without his mask : which he was forbidden to take off, even in the presence of his physicians. ─ Kirby's Wonderful and Scientific Museum (1804)