Hope is a strange invention — Glory to God

Hope is a strange invention-1
A Patent of the Heart-
In unremitting action
Yet never wearing out-

Of this electric Adjunct 5
Not anything is known
But its unique momentum
Embellish all we own-
[1] Hope:: the hope on God. invention:: that which is invented; a fictitious story; a fiction (OED 8).
[2] Patent:: "that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)
[5] electric Adjunct:: the excitment accompanied with the hope, as electrical current passing through the body.
[8] Embellish:: to beautify, dress up. all we own:: Glory to God for all things.
[7, 8] momentum, all:: a force to embellish all we own, hints at the belief of God.

Prayer is not only most suitable to man, but is the great momentum of the world ─ The Christian Observer (1859)

This is another beautiful illustration of the truth, that we ought to give all the glory to God, for all things. ─ Biography, Sacred and Interesting, by Frederick Corbyn (1828)