His voice decrepit was with Joy-1
Her words did totter so
How old the News of Love must be
To make Lips elderly
That purled a moment since with Glee-5
Is it Delight or Woe-
Or Terror-that do decorate
This livid interview-
Her words did totter so
How old the News of Love must be
To make Lips elderly
That purled a moment since with Glee-5
Is it Delight or Woe-
Or Terror-that do decorate
This livid interview-
[1] His, joy:: Leontes, King of Sicilia, who was happy to meet Hermione after her absence for sixteen years.
[2] Her:: Hermione, Queen of Sicilia.
[6, 7] Delight, Woe, Terror:: delight for they met again; woe for their separation; a terror of Hermione's revival from her statue.
[8] livid interview:: a hint on the statue of Hermione.