He preached upon "Breadth" till it argued him narrow-1
The Broad are too broad to define
And of "Truth" until it proclaimed him a Liar-
The Truth never flaunted a Sign-
Simplicity fled from his counterfeit presence 5
As Gold the Pyrites would shun-
What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus
To meet so enabled a Man!
The Broad are too broad to define
And of "Truth" until it proclaimed him a Liar-
The Truth never flaunted a Sign-
Simplicity fled from his counterfeit presence 5
As Gold the Pyrites would shun-
What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus
To meet so enabled a Man!
[1] He:: Jesus Christ of Nazareth. it:: the world, while Jesus was in the form of a man.
[2] The Broad:: the coarse, vulgar people. too broad:: too far and wide.
[3] Liar:: Jesus was treated as a liar by the coarse at his time.
[5] counterfeit presence:: Jesus represents God in man's body, that body isn't God. However, Dickinson seemed not believed in this.
[6] Gold the Pyrites:: "the man Christ Jesus" isn't God, as pyrite isn't gold.
[7] What confusion:: the current world's confusion. innocent:: innocent of sins, or innocent of being mistaken.
[8] meet:: to perceive; to come to a knowledge of. enabled a Man:: a man being furnished, enpowered. "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" (1 Timothy 2:5).