Had I known that the first was the last 1
I should have kept it longer.
Had I known that the last was the first
I should have drunk it stronger.
Cup, it was your fault, 5
Lip was not the liar.
No, lip, it was yours,
Bliss was most to blame.
I should have kept it longer.
Had I known that the last was the first
I should have drunk it stronger.
Cup, it was your fault, 5
Lip was not the liar.
No, lip, it was yours,
Bliss was most to blame.
[1] first:: the first cocktail drink. last:: she got drunk in the first drink.
[2] it longer:: to drink the cocktail in longer time.
[3] last:: endurance, duration, of the alcohol's effect. first:: most important.
[4] drunk, stronger:: a hint on the cocktail.
[5–7] Cup, your fault, lip, yours:: a simulation of the drunken condition.
[8] Bliss:: she liked the cocktail.