Down Time's quaint stream — Hilarity Pirate

Down Time's quaint stream 1
Without an oar
We are enforced to sail
Our Port a secret
Our Perchance a Gale
What Skipper would 6
Incur the Risk
What Buccaneer would ride
Without a surety from the Wind
Or schedule of the Tide-
[1] Down:: depressed, dispirited. stream:: tendency, inclination.
[2] oar:: in reference to slaves compelled to row in galleys (OED 1b).
[3] enforced to sail:: forced to travel in mind without being treated like a slave.
[4] Port:: a hiding place.
[5] Gale:: a state of excitement, passion, or hilarity. Perchance:: chance (to get excitement by piracy).
[6] Skipper:: one who skips, passes with omission.
[8] Buccaneer:: a pirate; one who escapes and pirates the society.
[9] Wind:: rumors, sayings; something we should note.
[10] Tide:: trend, tendency of the society.