Delight's Despair at setting 1
Is that Delight is less
Than the sufficing Longing
That so impoverish.
Enchantment's Perihelion 5
Mistaken oft has been
For the Authentic orbit
Of its Anterior Sun.
Is that Delight is less
Than the sufficing Longing
That so impoverish.
Enchantment's Perihelion 5
Mistaken oft has been
For the Authentic orbit
Of its Anterior Sun.
[1] setting:: arranging, sinking.
[1–4] Delight, impoverish:: with delight to sink despair, that delight is less than poorly satisfying the longing of delight. Satisfying poor hope is better than delightfully burying despair. Dickinson didn't agree with this concept as she stated in following lines.
[5] Perihelion:: the point of a planet which is nearest to the sun.
[6] Mistaken:: people often mistake the perihelion as sun approaching the earth.
[7, 8] Authentic orbit, Sun:: sun's authentic orbit is motionless, alluding to apathy. The sufficing longing comes from oneself, not from one's lover.