Behold this little Bane — Love Child

Behold this little Bane-1
The Boon of all alive-
As common as it is unknown
The name of it is Love-

To lack of it is Woe-5
To own of it is Wound-
Not elsewhere-if in Paradise
Its Tantamount be found-
[1] Bane:: a cause of harm (an illegitimate child).
[2] Boon:: a benefit bestowed in response to a request.
[3] unknown:: without marriage, a child is born usually silently.
[4] Love:: love child, an illegitimate child.
[7, 8] if in Paradise, Tantamount:: only in heaven can find the same child, a hint that child is died.

Now, this is a love child, which cannot produce that rational happiness which a woman of sense ought to expect. ─ The Works of Henry Fielding (1783)

Margery Stewart, a love child of Major W. Stewart, of the Dragoons, by a low creature, whilst in quarters at Ballyshannon, in the North of Ireland. ─ The Hibernian Magazine (1775)