As old as Woe — Heaven and Hell

As old as Woe-1
How old is that?
Some eighteen thousand years-
As old as Bliss
How old is that
They are of equal years

Together chiefest they are found 7
But seldom side by side
From neither of them tho' he try
Can Human nature hide
[1] Woe:: misery, misfortune, a hint on hell which is as old as woe.
[3] eighteen thousand years:: the time the world being created.
[4] Bliss:: supreme happiness, indicating heaven.
[6] equal:: heaven and hell created at the same time.
[7, 8] together, side:: heaven and hell are found at the same time but not the same side.
[9] he:: a human, contrary to God who made the heaven and hell.
[10] Human, hide:: human nature cannot hide from heaven and hell.