A Word dropped careless on a Page — Inciting Author

A Word dropped careless on a Page 1
May stimulate an eye
When folded in perpetual seam
The Wrinkled Maker lie

Infection in the sentence breeds 5
We may inhale Despair
At distances of Centuries
From the Malaria
[1] Word:: Bible, Scripture, or some part or passage of it, as embodying a divine communication (OED word n. 11b); the word of Christ (OED word n. 11a).
[2] stimulate:: to incite an idea, which may not be the original thought. Eye:: a thought, view.
[4] Wrinkled Maker:: an author who created difficulties and knew not the true meaning of Bible. Wrinkle:: a minor difficulty or irregularity (OED n.1 3b). lie:: something untrue.
[6] may inhale Despair:: "We have sinned."
[8] Malaria:: a disease that cause repeated fevers; the religious fevers like malaria in the history.