A chilly Peace infests the Grass 1
The Sun respectful lies-
Not any Trance of industry
These shadows scrutinize-
Whose Allies go no more astray 5
For service or for Glee-
But all mankind deliver here
From whatsoever sea-
The Sun respectful lies-
Not any Trance of industry
These shadows scrutinize-
Whose Allies go no more astray 5
For service or for Glee-
But all mankind deliver here
From whatsoever sea-
[1] Peace:: peace officer, a civil officer to preserve the public peace, a sheriff or constable. Grass:: a place of leisure.
[2] Sun:: the authority.
[3] Trance:: abstraction, daze, not allowed for a sheriff.
[4] shadows:: those who follow others like shadows.
[5] astray:: away from the good; a hint on the peace officer.
[7, 8] But all, sea:: not only allies, but people from any place the sheriff will scrutinize them.
The peace-officer cooly observing, that it was his duty to prevent mischief, as well as to punish it, and that he never saw eyes like his, without clapping a fastening upon the hands. ─ The Abbess: A Romance (1833)