You cannot put a Fire out — Menses

You cannot put a Fire out-1
A Thing that can ignite
Can go, itself, without a Fan-
Upon the slowest Night-

You cannot fold a Flood-5
And put it in a Drawer-
Because the Winds would find it out-
And tell your Cedar Floor-
[1] Fire:: a pain burning like fire, menstrual pain.
[2] ignite:: to come by itself.
[3] go:: to flow.
[4] slowest Night:: a feeling more acute at night.
[5] a Flood:: a piece of cloth flooded with blood.
[5, 6] cannot, put in a Drawer:: a hint on menses, not tears.
[8] Floor:: dropped on the floor.

The Fire can mean a strong passion, fire of love, and the Flood a handkerchief flooded with tears, that probably was her intention to reach a double or more interpretations.