Who Court obtain within Himself 1
Sees every Man a King-
And Poverty of Monarchy
Is an interior thing-
No Man depose 5
Whom Fate Ordain-
And Who can add a Crown
To Him who doth continual
Conspire against His Own
Sees every Man a King-
And Poverty of Monarchy
Is an interior thing-
No Man depose 5
Whom Fate Ordain-
And Who can add a Crown
To Him who doth continual
Conspire against His Own
[1] Court, within:: a chess player has a court within his head.
[2] every Man a King:: every piece is treasured by the player, and has the potention to be a king when it reaches the other end.
[3] Monarchy:: a chess player controls all moves like a monarch.
[4] interior:: within one's mind.
[7] add a Crown, continual:: a promotion, when a pawn goes to the other end, converting to a queen, bishop, knight, rook.
[9] against His Own:: a pawn against his own master to be a kinght or rook.