'Twas warm-at first-like Us-1
Until there crept upon
A Chill-like frost upon a Glass-
Till all the scene-be gone.
The Forehead copied Stone-5
The Fingers grew too cold
To ache-and like a Skater's Brook-
The busy eyes-congealed-
It straightened-that was all-9
It crowded Cold to Cold-
It multiplied indifference-
As Pride were all it could-
And even when with Cords-13
'Twas lowered, like a Weight-
It made no Signal, nor demurred,
But dropped like Adamant.
Until there crept upon
A Chill-like frost upon a Glass-
Till all the scene-be gone.
The Forehead copied Stone-5
The Fingers grew too cold
To ache-and like a Skater's Brook-
The busy eyes-congealed-
It straightened-that was all-9
It crowded Cold to Cold-
It multiplied indifference-
As Pride were all it could-
And even when with Cords-13
'Twas lowered, like a Weight-
It made no Signal, nor demurred,
But dropped like Adamant.
[1] It:: a glass snail.
[2] crept:: a hint on how snail moved.
[3] Glass:: a hint on glass-snail, a snail of the genus Vitrina, having a thin translucent shell (OED 16).
[6] Fingers:: tentacles.
[8] busy eyes:: snail's squirming tentacles make its eyes (in the tentacles) look busy.
[13] Cord:: a structure in the animal body resembling a cord (OED 2).
[14] like a Weight:: snail's shell looks like a weight.
Glass-snail. Shell imperforate, very thin, depressed; spire short, last whirl large; aperture large, lunate of rounded, columellar margin slightly infected, peristome often membranous. ─ A Manual of the Mollusca (1854)