Truth-is as old as God-1
His Twin identity
And will endure as long as He
A Co-Eternity-
And perish on the Day 5
Himself is borne away
From Mansion of the Universe
A lifeless Deity.
His Twin identity
And will endure as long as He
A Co-Eternity-
And perish on the Day 5
Himself is borne away
From Mansion of the Universe
A lifeless Deity.
[1] Truth:: the truth of Jesus. as old as God:: the birth of Jesus.
[2] His Twin:: Jesus.
[3] He:: God.
[4] Co-Eternity:: Jehovah and Jesus being one.
[5, 6] perish, Day, borne away:: the crucifixion of Jesus.
[8] lifeless Deity:: indicating Jesus's death.