'Tis One by One-the Father counts-1
And then a Tract between
Set Cypherless-to teach the Eye
The Value of its Ten-
Until the peevish Student 5
Acquire the Quick of Skill-
Then Numerals are dowered back-
Adorning all the Rule-
'Tis mostly Slate and Pencil-9
And Darkness on the School
Distracts the Children's fingers-
Still the Eternal Rule
Regards least Cypherer alike 13
With Leader of the Band-
And every separate Urchin's Sum-
Is fashioned for his hand-
And then a Tract between
Set Cypherless-to teach the Eye
The Value of its Ten-
Until the peevish Student 5
Acquire the Quick of Skill-
Then Numerals are dowered back-
Adorning all the Rule-
'Tis mostly Slate and Pencil-9
And Darkness on the School
Distracts the Children's fingers-
Still the Eternal Rule
Regards least Cypherer alike 13
With Leader of the Band-
And every separate Urchin's Sum-
Is fashioned for his hand-
[1] Father:: a priest.
[4, 9] Ten, Slate:: hints on the Ten Commandments
[5] Student:: in a Christian school.
[12] Eternal Rule:: the Ten Commandments.
[16] hand:: way of doing things.