These tested Our Horizon — Terrestrial Globe

These tested Our Horizon-1
Then disappeared
As Birds before achieving
A Latitude.

Our Retrospection of Them 5
A fixed Delight,
But our Anticipation
A Dice-a Doubt-
[1] Horizon:: range of one's knowledge about the geography (to be tested by a terrestrial globe).
[2] disappeared:: in real life those circles in the globe doesn't exist.
[3] Birds, Latitude:: birds knew where to migrate without knowing the latitude.
[5] Retrospection:: verification of the terrestrial globe against the Earth.
[6] fixed Delight:: easy to study by a map fixed on a globe.
[8] Dice:: grid on the globe. Doubt:: interested in the location of a grid that maps to a place in the world.

The Terrestrial Globe is a representation of the Earth with its several divisions of land and water. In order to show the relative position of the various parts of the Earth, and of the motion of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, imaginary lines or circles have been formed both on the terrestrial and celestial globe. ─ The Geography of the Globe (1826)