The Truth is stirless — Gravity

The Truth-is stirless-1
Other force-may be presumed to move-
This-then-is best for confidence-
When oldest Cedars swerve-

And Oaks untwist their fists-5
And Mountains-feeble-lean-
How excellent a Body, that
Stands without a Bone-

How vigorous a Force 9
That holds without a Prop-
Truth stays Herself-and every man
That trusts Her-boldly up-
[1] Truth:: the truth of gravity found by Isaac Newton (1642–1727).
[2] force:: this truth is related to force.
[3] confidence:: it applies to every thingand everywhere.
[4–6] Cedars, Oaks, Mountains:: the effect of the gravity.
[9] vigorous:: forcible, powerful.
[11, 12] every man, boldly up:: people can stand up on the ground due to the gravity.