The Soul that hath a Guest 1
Doth seldom go abroad-
Diviner Crowd at Home-
Obliterate the need-
And Courtesy forbid 5
A Host's departure when
Upon Himself be visiting
The Emperor of Men-
Doth seldom go abroad-
Diviner Crowd at Home-
Obliterate the need-
And Courtesy forbid 5
A Host's departure when
Upon Himself be visiting
The Emperor of Men-
[1] The Soul:: of a young nun or monk, contrary to diviner. Guest:: God, hinted in line eight.
[2] go abroad:: to experience new things.
[3] Diviner Crowd:: other senior nuns or monks.
[4] Obliterate:: to efface, erase the young heart's need.
[5] Courtesy:: customary behaviour in worshiping.
[6] Host's departure:: the true self to start a journey.
[7] Himself be visiting:: to meet God Himself.
[8] The Emperor of Men:: God.