The Props assist the House 1
Until the House is built
And then the Props withdraw
And adequate, erect,
The House support itself 5
And cease to recollect
The Auger and the Carpenter-
Just such a retrospect
Hath the perfected Life-9
A past of Plank and Nail
And slowness-then the Scaffolds drop
Affirming it a Soul.
Until the House is built
And then the Props withdraw
And adequate, erect,
The House support itself 5
And cease to recollect
The Auger and the Carpenter-
Just such a retrospect
Hath the perfected Life-9
A past of Plank and Nail
And slowness-then the Scaffolds drop
Affirming it a Soul.
[1] Props:: supporters. House:: President's House, White House. Supporters assist the president.
[2] built:: until the country is built.
[3, 4] withdraw, erect:: the country stands, and supporters withdraw.
[6, 7] cease, Carpenter:: the president forgets the builder and tool.
[8] retrospect, Life:: perfected life is only a view of the past.
[10] Plank:: an article of a political program (that passed). Nail:: stiffness, rigidity.
[11] Slowness:: dullness, in public affairs. Scaffolds drop:: to terminate the open stages. The House conceals itself from his supporters.
[12] Soul:: the center of the United States.
The President of the United Slates lives in Washington, in a dwelling, which, in Europe, where they are accustomed to call things by their right names, would be termed a castle, a palace, or, at least, a hotel; but these just appellations are too aristocratic for fastidious democrats; they are quite willing that the President should inhabit a castle but they are far from being willing to avow it, and they have christened the presidential abode by the name of The White House. ─ The United States Democratic Review (1847)