The Martyr Poets did not tell — Martyr or Genius

The Martyr Poets-did not tell-1
But wrought their Pang in syllable-
That when their mortal name be numb-
Their mortal fate-encourage Some-

The Martyr Painters-never spoke-8
Bequeathing-rather-to their Work-
That when their conscious fingers cease-
Some seek in Art-the Art of Peace-
[1] Martyr, tell:: poets who worked like martyrs, but told nothing.
[2] in syllable:: only word, no feeling.
[4] mortal, encourage:: it's their death encourage some readers.
[5] Martyr, spoke:: martyr painters didn't speak anything about their pain.
[6] Bequeathing, Work:: they left the pain in their paintings.
[7] when, cease:: when they finally relieved, died.
[8] seek in Art:: to study their craft of drawing. Art of Peace:: painting is an art without sound, speaking.