The harm of Years is on him-1
The infamy of Time-
Depose him like a Fashion
And give Dominion room.
Forget his Morning Forces-5
The Glory of Decay
Is a minuter Pageant
Than least Vitality.
The infamy of Time-
Depose him like a Fashion
And give Dominion room.
Forget his Morning Forces-5
The Glory of Decay
Is a minuter Pageant
Than least Vitality.
[1] him:: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821).
[2] infamy of Time:: his reputation; the wars and people dead during his reign.
[3] Fashion:: a hint on French.
[3, 4] Depose, Dominion room:: Napoleon's confinement on the island of Saint Helena.
[5–7] Glory, Decay, Pageant:: Napolean as the Emperor of the French.