The first Day that I was a Life 1
I recollect it-How still-
That last Day that I was a Life
I recollect it-as well-
'Twas stiller-though the first 5
Was still-
"Twas empty-but the first
Was full-
This-was my finallest Occasion-9
But then
My tenderer Experiment
Toward Men-
"Which choose I"? 13
That-I cannot say-
"Which choose They"?
Question Memory!
I recollect it-How still-
That last Day that I was a Life
I recollect it-as well-
'Twas stiller-though the first 5
Was still-
"Twas empty-but the first
Was full-
This-was my finallest Occasion-9
But then
My tenderer Experiment
Toward Men-
"Which choose I"? 13
That-I cannot say-
"Which choose They"?
Question Memory!
[1] I:: a diary. Life:: a biography.
[2] recollect:: to collect again one'e memory, a diary's function.
[3, 4] last, recollect, well:: a diary will not forget.
[5, 6] stiller, still:: the beginning was quiet, the end quieter.
[7, 8] empty, full:: the beginning was full, the end empty.
[9] finallest Occasion:: ending of this diary.
[11] tenderer:: younger.
[13] "Which choose I":: what choice the owner of this diary has made.
[14] I cannot say:: the diary cannot tell you.