The Admirations-and Contempts-of time-1
Show justest-through an Open Tomb-
The Dying-as it were a Height
Reorganizes Estimate
And what We saw not
We distinguish clear-
And mostly-see not
What We saw before-
'Tis Compound Vision-9
Light-enabling Light-
The Finite-furnished
With the Infinite-
Convex-and Concave Witness-
Back-toward Time-
And forward-
Toward the God of Him-
Show justest-through an Open Tomb-
The Dying-as it were a Height
Reorganizes Estimate
And what We saw not
We distinguish clear-
And mostly-see not
What We saw before-
'Tis Compound Vision-9
Light-enabling Light-
The Finite-furnished
With the Infinite-
Convex-and Concave Witness-
Back-toward Time-
And forward-
Toward the God of Him-
[2] justest, Open Tomb:: an autopsy.
[3] Dying:: a decaying body. Height:: an amendment of Hight, a vow, promise.
[6] distinguish clear:: what the autopsy does.
[9] Compound:: a hint on compound mircoscope.
[13] Convex and Concave:: a compound microscope, developed in the 17th century.
[14] Back, Time:: to trace back what had happened.
[15] forward:: to quicken.
[16] God:: a man of power, a judge here. Him:: a criminal.
If, on the other hand, we turn the convex side of the dimple on the paper uppermost, and view it with the compound microscope, it appears concave. ─ The American Journal of the Medical Sciences (1860)
That when the symptoms of a myelitis have existed in a case of paraplegia, the autopsy may show no visible alteration of the spinal cord or its membranes, except when the microscope is employed. ─ Lectures on the Diagnosis and Treatment (1861)