She rose to His Requirement dropt — The Scarlet Letter

She rose to His Requirement-dropt 1
The Playthings of Her Life
To take the honorable Work
Of Woman, and of Wife-

If ought She missed in Her new Day, 5
Of Amplitude, or Awe-
Or first Prospective-Or the Gold
In using, wear away,

It lay unmentioned-as the Sea 9
Develop Pearl, and Weed,
But only to Himself-be known
The Fathoms they abide-
[1] She:: Hester Prynne, the protagonist of The Scarlet Letter (1850) by Nathaniel Hawthorne. His:: Arthur Dimmesdale, Hester's lover.
[1, 2] dropt, Playthings:: Hester sacrificed the playthings of her life.
[3, 4] honorable Work Of Woman, Wife:: to serve her lover and daughter.
[5] new Day:: the days she wore the scarlet letter A in her bosom.
[6] Amplitude, Awe:: what she had lost in her new life.
[7] Prospective:: the action of looking out (OED B.n. 3).
[10] Pearl:: name of Hester's daughter, "Her Pearl!—for so had Hester called her." Weed:: a black garment worn in token of bereavement (OED 6); indicating Hester whose life was like a widow.
[11] Himself be known:: Arthur Dimmesdale knew the secret.
[12] they:: Hester and Arthur.