Remorse is Memory-awake — Confession

Remorse-is Memory-awake-1
Her Parties all astir-
A Presence of Departed Acts-
At window-and at Door-

Its Past-set down before the Soul 5
And lighted with a Match-
Perusal-to facilitate-
And help Belief to stretch-

Remorse is cureless-the Disease 9
Not even God-can heal-
For 'tis His institution-and
The Adequate of Hell-
[1, 3] Remorse, Presence:: the act of disclosing sins to a priest to obtain sacramental absolution, a confession.
[3, 4] window, Door:: of the confession booth.
[6] Match:: to fit, suit, make equal.
[8] Belief:: the Christian belief.
[9, 10] cureless, God:: confession cannot heal a soul's remorse.
[11] institution:: the confession as a religious practice.
[12] Adequate, Hell:: the small dark confession booth.

"With lively emotions of piety I followed my parents on Whitsunday into the Graumunchen Church, which was decorated, according to custom, with flowers and fresh may. I was led by my mother, who was equally moved, through the church to the confession room, commonly called the comfort-room (Trostkammer). A crowd of people of the lower classes were waiting before the door. Many, t was evident, had waited longer than they could well afford, till as many as could find room could be admitted; when they were confessed, admonished, and absolved in a mass, and paid the indispensable confession fee (Beicht groschen). ─ The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art (1843)