Remembrance has a Rear and Front-1
'Tis something like a House-
It has a Garret also
For Refuse and the Mouse.
Besides the deepest Cellar 5
That ever Mason laid-
Look to it by its Fathoms
Ourselves be not pursued-
'Tis something like a House-
It has a Garret also
For Refuse and the Mouse.
Besides the deepest Cellar 5
That ever Mason laid-
Look to it by its Fathoms
Ourselves be not pursued-
[1] Remembrance:: Washington Monument. Rear:: "principal entrance . . . from the rear."
[2] like a House:: but is not a house.
[5] Cellar:: "This subterranean gallery . . . would accommodate many catacombs."
[7] me:: George Washington, "the centre of the Monument is placed the tomb of Washington."
[8] Almighty God:: Washington's prayer.
The principal entrance to all these apartments will be from the rear, or opposite side of the portico entrance. The inner space, or that under the grand gallery or rotundo, may be appropriated to catacombs for the reception of the remains of such distinguished men as the nation may honor with interment here. This subterranean gallery is so large and lofty that it would accommodate many catacombs.
In the centre of the Monument is placed the tomb of Washington, to receive his remains, should they be removed thither, the descent to which is by a broad flight of steps, lighted by the same light which illumines his statue. ─ Morrison's Stranger's Guide to the City of Washington and its Vicinity (1852)