Publication is the Auction — Poor Writer

Publication-is the Auction 1
Of the Mind of Man-
Poverty-be justifying
For so foul a thing

Possibly-but We-would rather 5
From Our Garret go
White-Unto the White Creator-
Than invest-Our Snow-

Thought belong to Him who gave it-9
Then-to Him Who bear
Its Corporeal illustration-Sell
The Royal Air-

In the Parcel-Be the Merchant 13
Of the Heavenly Grace-
But reduce no Human Spirit
To Disgrace of Price-
[3] Poverty:: a deficiency in one's writing.
[6] From Our Garret go:: to quit writing.
[7] White:: blank page; not to contaminate readers, a foul thing in line four. White Creator:: a talentless writer.
[8] Snow:: white hair (OED snow 6a).
[9] Him:: a writer with his own thought.