Not probable The barest Chance — Queen Cat

Not probable-The barest Chance-1
A smile too few-a word too much
And far from Heaven as the Rest-
The Soul so close on Paradise-

What if the Bird from journey far-5
Confused by Sweets-as Mortals-are-
Forget the secret of His wing
And perish-but a Bough between-
Oh, Groping feet-
Oh Phantom Queen!
[1, 2] a word too much:: a description of seeing something rare.
[4] Paradise:: paradise apple tree, hinted by sweets and bough.
[5] the Bird:: a paradise bird.
[6] Sweets:: apples on the paradise tree.
[8] Bough:: a hint on tree.
[9] Groping feet:: a cat nearing.
[10] Queen:: a female cat, queen cat.

Wheen-cat, a queen-cat, or female cat. Queen, is Saxon, was used to signify the female; ex. g. Queen fugol, a queen fowl, or hen. ─ A provincial Glossary by Francis Grose (1811)

Paradise Bird. It is a very little bird, the body being scarcely larger than that of a common sparrow, and is remarkable for the very eccentric way in which its plumage is arranged, as will be seen from an examination of the engraving. . . . preferring to flit among the low bushes in search of the berries and other food on which it subsists. ─ The Illustrated Natural History (1862)

The Paradise Apple is rather a shrub than a tree. There are two sorts of it, which Gardeners distinguish by the names of the French and the Dutch Paradise Apple. ─ On Planting and Rural Ornament (1803)