Midsummer, was it, when They died-1
A full, and perfect time-
The Summer closed upon itself
In Consummated Bloom-
The Corn, her furthest kernel filled 5
Before the coming Flail-
When These-leaned unto Perfectness-
Through Haze of Burial-
A full, and perfect time-
The Summer closed upon itself
In Consummated Bloom-
The Corn, her furthest kernel filled 5
Before the coming Flail-
When These-leaned unto Perfectness-
Through Haze of Burial-
[1] They:: fields of corn. died:: harvested.
[5] Corn:: a hint on corn whiskey.
[6] Flail:: an instrument for beating grain.
[7] Perfectness:: refinement.
[8] Haze of Burial:: the steaming of corn for whiskey.